JUMBO Golden Raisins for Arthritis Pain Relief

The DrunkenRaisins brand uses the JUMBO golden raisin from the California packers. Grown on approximately 200,000 acres, the 2,000 California Raisin growers produce 100% of the U.S. raisins, totaling approximately 300,000 tons annually in an area within a 60-mile radius of Fresno, California – known as the central San Joaquin Valley.

We have found that the best way to eat your DrunkenRaisins is with (or in) your yogurt. You can mix them at the time of consumption or pre-mix them in the yogurt container to be served each morning. A large container of yogurt with ½ lb. of DrunkenRaisins is about right. You should get about 8 to 10 raisins with each yogurt serving. Not only will you have the projected advantages of your morning yogurt, you’ll also enjoy pain relief the whole day.

DrunkenRaisins recipe calls for JUMBO golden raisins wherein choices are surprisingly limited. Only a few brands are available nationwide; they are processed in practically the same way, and from the same grapes usually grown in the same region (California). Thompson Seedless green grapes are dehydrated in ovens and treated with sulfur dioxide. This preservative keeps them golden yellow and moist.

A handful of specialty-food purveyors carry organic golden raisins, which are sun-dried Black Monukka or Sultana seedless grapes. They aren’t processed with sulfur dioxide, so the raisins turn pale green or a very light tan. Organic golden raisins called Hunza, the grapes are grown in a Himalayan valley; differ from the golden raisins we found at the supermarket. The Hunza cost nearly twice as much and are drier and less plump than the California brands. A stalwart minority preferred the organic raisins praising their “kiwi-like” taste, but the vast majority of tasters found the “malted” and “honeyed” flavors and tender texture of California golden raisins more to their liking.

Some “soaked raisin” advocates have tried soaking them in rum. A rum-soaked raisin isn’t the formulary for pain relief. While rum-soaked raisins may be a delight to some palates it’s the gin-soaked raisin that offers pain relief. DrunkenRaisins never uses rum-soaked raisins. Most rum-soaked raisin Google searches are in error and end up in the gin-soaked arena and at the doorstep of the DrunkenRaisin.